
As you work towards creating the life and business that you want, there will be times when it feels like you’re going through a violent storm where nothing is going right, everything is out of control, and it feels like you might capsize. This is when anchors in your life will keep you safe.
Some examples of anchors in your life are:
- A strong purpose – knowing what you’re here on earth to do
- A clear destination – knowing where you’re heading
- A powerful why – knowing why you’re heading there
- The unconditional love and support of another – knowing you’ve got someone to lean on
- A firm belief in God or some Higher Power – knowing there’s a plan to all of this bigger than you
With strong anchors in your life, while others facing their storm are floundering, you’re able to stop and slow down to remember what’s really important which creates balance. Instead of staring at the storm and letting the water in, you’re able to ride out the storm keeping your eyes on the horizon with just the slightest of smiles on your face because you know this storm is temporary and part of your journey so you accept it and learn the lessons hidden within its tempest. This is what makes you so AMAZING!
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