Auto Repair Shop Owners: Did You Know that Trust = Moolah?


Trust = Moolah by Rick White, President 180BIZ

We're so focused on making a sale and on getting those numbers. I need to talk to you about one word and that word is TRUST. You're never going to get someone to do something until they trust you. You're never going to be able to get what you want until they feel like you're giving them what they want.  If you make recommendations and can't tie that recommendation to something that they exactly want you're in trouble. I think about trust all the time and it's such an important ingredient to relationships. Every relationship has a trust account. What are you intentionally doing to make deposits in everyone's trust account? In your wife's, and your husband's, and your boyfriend’s, and your girlfriend’s, and your kid’s, at work with your clients’, with your team?

What are you doing to intentionally create an environment for trust? Why do I say it that way? Because trust isn't something you demand. Trust isn't something that expect. Trust has to be earned,. But that's not even it. You can do all the right stuff and still not get trust. I go back to my boy scout days. The s first law of a scouting is trustworthy. You must become trustworthy. How do you do that? There's actually an equation for this. And the equation is C + C + C / PSI. The first C  stands for how much are you demonstrating the care that you have for the person on the other side of the phone, on the other side of the conversation, on the other side of the relationship. What is your level of caring?

Recently I took a relationship class in psychology, and the instructor said something that was very profound. He  said, “The moment you start thinking about yourself, the moment you start to focus on yourself, you are no longer in a relationship.” You are now self-centered. There is no relationship. So caring, where are you at with caring? That's the first C, Caring. The second C is Credibility. How are you demonstrating to the people that you're t talking to that you can do what you say you can do. When you have a relationship, a personal relationship that's going through a hollow, your trust account balance is low. You've been doing things that erode the balance where you're withdrawing from that account instead of making deposits. And typically, it's focused on you. But what are you doing to build credibility? How are you demonstrating that you can do what you say you can do?

You do that with social media. You can do that with videos. You can do that with social proof. You can do it with testimonials and reviews, get people talking about what you do and how you do it. So the second C is credibility. And then the third C is consistency. Are you doing things the same way every time? Is it happening in your shop where I come in as a potential customer or client and regardless of who I talk to there a consistent experience, a consistent feeling? I think that's a really important question to ask yourself because if there's a lack of consistency, trust goes down.

You can't demand trust.  You can't even expect. Trust is earned. You must create an environment where you welcome trust. You have to be trustworthy, and then let the rest happen. That's the first thing. The second thing is that doesn't happen until you intentionally deal with these three Cs. You must proactively look at how am I going to take action and build caring? How am I going to build credibility? How am I going to build consistency? These are important questions. And then the last part of this equation is that divided by PSI. The Cs are C + C + C. Whenever you add and subtract, it’s incremental. And what I mean by that is when you make an effort in any one of those Cs, it's an incremental effort, but when you multiply and divide, those are exponential has a much bigger effect.

I can add two, or divide by two, which is going to have a bigger impact? Always division and multiplication. So now, if you think about, you had C + C + C, and then you get a line, and then you got PSI on the bottom. Everything on top of that line is completely focused on your client, on your potential client, on your team member, on your spouse. But as soon as you get below the line, that's PSI that's Perception of Self-interest. This is where it becomes a problem. It doesn't even mean that you have a lot of self-interest. It means the perception of self-interest. Remember at the beginning, I said, if you can't tie a recommendation to exactly what your client's looking for, they're going to think you're doing it for you? It’s true. They're going to think you're recommending it to line your pockets. So, you must be aware of this perception of self-interest.

How can you negate that and increase the three Cs? All of this must be done with intention. And must be done at your front counter with your Advisors.  And that's why I've started the Advisor Accelerator program. It's to help advisors understand the environment that they need to create to build that trust because trust equals moolah. My focus is on trust. My focus is on relationship, and I need you to understand that the Moolah is a bi-product. Stop focusing on the money. It's only going to be with intention, attention, and massive amounts of action that you're going to be able to create that environment of trust, where you can cultivate it and draw it out. Okay. So please, if this message resonates with you, please share it.

God bless, stay safe and go make some money.

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