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Auto Repair Shop Owners: Inaction May Be Your Most Dangerous Action


 Inaction May Be Your Most Dangerous Action

by Rick White, President 180BIZ                                                            (Estimated Read Time 3 minutes)

Today’s topic is about action. Why am I bringing this up? Because a lot of people, not you, of course, but a lot of people feel like inaction is a safe thing to do. They say, “Hey, I need to do this. I need to do that and then decide to do nothing. That is not okay.

Inaction is a decision. No action is an action. Decisions are free. You can make all the decisions you want. But the repercussions, they aren't. Repercussions cost us. They cost us opportunities. They cost us potential. And sometimes they cost us growth. So instead, think about doing something.  Why don't you do something? What's driving the inaction? It's fear of loss, most of the time. It's fear of making a mistake. But that's not the way it has to be. If you do nothing, inaction guarantees more of the same as what you've been getting. And for a lot of you, that's not good. You're waiting for it to change. You're waiting for something to happen. And that doesn't work.

 There is more danger in doing nothing than doing something.

There is more danger and more potential risk of doing nothing than doing something. Even if that something doesn’t work out or doesn't go how you want it to, you can change course. You can make become something. But if you do nothing, then it just gets worse. Almost every single time it just gets worse.  You may say, “But Rick, what if…?” I want you to trade your “what if” in for “what is.” Then I want you to take action to create what could be. 

Everything you want is on the other side of everything that holding you back, everything you're afraid of.  It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to see the whole staircase altogether to take the next step. You just need to see the next step and then the next step and the next step. If you just think what's the next best thing I can do and do that and then what's the next best thing I can do and do that then you will create something that is so much more than you ever thought was possible.  Brenda and I never in our wildest dream thought we would be invited to teach in Brazil. Never in our wildest dreams did we see this. In fact, I can remember when the big dream was getting invited to shows like ASTE, which is ASTA now, or Vision.  Getting into those shows and teaching there was a big deal for us.  You just put one foot in front of the other and you're going to find that amazing things happen. Inaction kills you and inaction will keep you stuck.

Just pick one thing. Do one thing this week. I want you to take action on something you've been putting off. Recognize that the fear inside of you is so much worse than what's real. I'm telling you, nothing you decide today will be fatal.  Pick something and make a change. What's the one thing that you've been putting off that you could take action on this week that could make a difference in a year or a month, who knows?  We keep lying to ourselves and thinking our future is created in the future. But it isn't. Our future is created today. It's created with what we do today or what we don't do today.

Please share this video.  We have our Shop Owner’s Round Table, on the second Thursday of every month, 7 p.m. Eastern, and we would love you and your friends to drop by. Shop owners only. And then we have our upcoming Pocket Business Genius webinar on the second Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern time. 

God bless. stay safe, have some fun, and go make some money.  Take care.

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