Auto Repair Shop Owner's Daily Dose 59: Comparison
Comparison by Rick White, President 180BIZ
I want to talk to you, today, about comparison. You can spend a ton of time comparing where you're at now to where you were before. In doing that you end up missing out on the opportunities that are all around you. This is a different environment and the reality is there are still some people looking at today and going, man, it's not like it was two weeks ago, four weeks ago, eight weeks ago. Don't do that. It's a waste of your time. It's a waste of your focus. It's a waste of your energy. You can spend so much time staring at the door that's closed that you're missing the open window.
Sep back and look at what's going on. I want you to look at what's going on today. Ask yourself, “What's great about today?” I want you to ask yourself, “What can I take advantage of today?” What opportunities can you take advantage of today? You might be the only one open in your market. Things are closed tight in Virginia but will be starting to open this week. But I'll tell you, I drove to New Hampshire yesterday. While driving through Maryland and Pennsylvania, let me tell you something, I found they are hardcore shut down. I stopped at a Sheetz gas station for gas and a restroom. They had big signs stating that customers must wear a mask.
It's out there. And the reason why I'm saying this is because there's still opportunity. You may have some of your competitors that are still closed. How can you take advantage of your business still being open? How can you put yourself in front of other people? Do you have a referral program in place? Do you give referral cards to the customers who love you? They can let their friends; family members and coworkers know what a great experience they had with you.
We all know that this is a tough time for a lot of different people. Unemployment is crazy, but there's still plenty of people working. If we go to 25% unemployment, which would be a terrible thing. We're not there. But if there’s 25% unemployment, there's 75% of the people who are working. I know there are still some areas in the country that thinks this is just a big hoax. That's fine. Don’t connect with those people using the pandemic. Look at the inconvenience that they are being put through because of the state and federal restrictions. Connect with their frustration.
What opportunities are in front of you today? Opportunities do not walk up in front of you and say, “Hi, I'm an opportunity. Come take me.” That’s absurd. They don't do that. Opportunities are going to take effort to see. It's going to take effort to take advantage of the opportunities. But if you're not asking yourself, “What opportunities are around me today,” you’re not going to be looking for them. Start asking yourself that question today. It's going to make a difference. I promise.
So, let’s make a difference today. And you know something. What will really make it different today is how you see the day. When you see it filled with opportunity and blessings and with a grateful heart, every day will be a ten. I guarantee you there are opportunities to be taken advantage of. There are lessons to be learned. There are things to be grateful for. I want you to go out and find them.
Take care. God bless.
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