Auto Repair Shop Owner's Daily Dose 38: Worry vs. Concern
Worry vs. Concern by Rick White, President 180BIZ
What I want to talk to you about today is WORRY vs. CONCERN and the differences. When you worry about something, you are letting your imagination take control. Worry is like staring at a huge bottomless pit. You begin to blow the situation out of proportion causing causes paralysis. For example, you might think that because of the virus, you don't have enough cars, you’re not going to make enough money to pay your staff. You’re going to lose your business. Your kids won't love you anymore and your spouse will leave me. That's what we do. We stack stuff up when we worry. We are 100% focused on the problem, 100% focused on the problem.
What happens when we have concern? We step back, see the problem, and go through a process to deal with it. With concern, we see it and deal with it. Let me show you what that looks like. When you have concern, answer these questions for yourself.
- What’s the real issue? Isolate the issue by taking the emotion out of it.
- What can I control? What about this situation can I control? Everything you can control is inside your skin. I can control how I see it. I can control the meaning I give it. I can control what I believe is possible. I can control my mindset about it. I can control my intentions, my expectations, and my focus. I can control my actions. I can control my reactions.
- Who can I influence? Who can I enlist to help me with this?
- What resources do I need? Do I need a little bit more training? Should read some articles? Should I get someone that knows how to do this? Do I have someone on my team that does it?
- What do I have no control over? I don't have control over the unemployment rate as it pertains to the country. I do have it as it pertains to my business.
When you are in true control of yourself, you're going to be amazed at what you're able to do to keep your staff working for you. So that's the difference between worry and concern. Concern is seeing something potentially on the horizon here and determining what you will do about it. That will change your whole perspective about problems.
If this message resonates with you, please share it so that we can help other people with it. There's a lot of people staring at the news like a bad accident. They want to shut it off, but they can't.
Tip of the Day. Reach out to different community organizations and see how you can help as a company. You could get involved with the local food bank and offer your shop as a pickup and drop-off location for food, even on the weekends. How about putting a blood drive together? There's a lot of people that need blood right now and the reserves are getting low. Look at these different things and reach out and see how you can be a good corporate citizen to the community that you serve.
Thank you for being here. Please like, and share a comment. Let's get this stuff to blow up and help other people. Have a great day and go make some money.
God bless.
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