Auto Repair Shop Owner's Daily Dose 47: A Growth Mindset
A Growth Mindset by Rick White, President 180BIZ
Today I want to talk to you about a shift that is happening now. What do I mean by that? When all of this first started up, the Coronavirus pandemic, you were in panic mode. You were in adrenaline mode. You were sprinting to get your business healthier and keep it open through everything that was going on. Right? And you did it. Congratulations. Now there's a lot of talk about states opening back up. In Virginia, it's going to be about another two weeks before we hit our apex. Realize that this is not a sprint. We can't keep going on the energy level of the sprint. It doesn't work. It's going to burn you out. So, realize now you are no longer in a sprint. You are shifting to a marathon.
There are a lot of things that you should be doing right now. And if you're interested, I am presenting a Webinar titled Thriving Through the Coronavirus. It’s on the second Wednesday of May. That’s May 12, 2020, at 12:00 PM Eastern as part of our Pocket Business Genius webinar series. I’ll spend some in-depth time on what you need to do to keep your people safe and to prevent you from being sued. Yes, that's becoming a reality. It's my goal, my duty, my obligation, my responsibility to help you navigate these waters and help you to make sure that doesn't happen. So if that's something you're interested in you can sign up for a free webinar on our website, It is going to be a big deal. I’ll also give you the latest information as far as getting your PPP loan forgiven.
Back to our topic at hand. We must understand that this is a marathon. Now you need to pace yourself a little bit more. You should not be in survival mode any longer. You’re going to be okay. Now it’s time to thrive.
So, here's what we need to do to get through this endurance phase. This is so we don’t get bored and frustrated or not feel stuck. This doubles as your business tip to today, too. The first thing you need to do is have a destination that excites you. You must have a goal. It's time. This does not mean getting to the end of the virus, that's not a goal that's surviving. I'm talking about something that excites you, something that scares you a little bit. That's okay, that's a good goal.
You must have a destination. One that will get you out of bed every morning. You can hop out of bed, roll out of bed, or fall out of bed. You want a goal that gets you so excited, you have a hard time going to sleep at night. And then you need to communicate that goal to your staff. Get them involved and get them wrapped up in it.
The second thing you need to do is grow your skillset. There are too many of you that are still running a sprint right now. You're going in and you're doing your job (JOB stands for Just Over Broke). Then you go home at the end of the day and decompress. You shut down. You check out. Then you get up the next morning and start the whole cycle over again. You feel stuck in that cycle. To break out of that cycle, think about how you can grow your skillset. What training can you take? What book can you listen to? And this doesn't mean spend money. You can go to YouTube and search for sales videos. Millions will come up in about a second. What I'm saying is I do two things (1) Set a destination, and then (2) create a personal development plan for yourself.
Do something that will grow your abilities. Happiness is not on the achieving side of things. Happiness is making progress. We feel most alive when we're growing and right now you need to grow through this challenge. So, I want you to have a destination that just excites the crap out of you. And then I want you to create a personal development plan for yourself. And then (2.5) sit down with your team personal development plans for them. This is the time to adopt a massively reconstructed growth mindset in your business. Use this time to reset and plan. That growth is going to fuel happiness. It's going to fuel confidence and it's going to fuel sales. So, get out there and grow yourself and grow your team.
I will see you tomorrow morning for our family edition. Take care, be safe, and go make some money today. God bless.
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