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Auto Repair Shop Owner's Daily Dose 9: You Are Unstoppable


You Are Unstoppable! by Rick White, President 180BIZ

Every morning when you wake up there's going to be a little bit of that fear going on in your head. You might think, “What's it going to be like today?” There's some scary stuff going on these days. I was watching the news last night, with my wife Brenda, and it showed how it took four months for the first 100,000 people to get this virus.  Then it took 12 days to get to 200,000, which is doubling the number of people who contracted the virus. Twelve days, can you believe it? So, four months for the first 100,000, 12 days for the second 100,000, and then yesterday showed that it only took 4 days for the next 100,000.  It went from 4 months to 12 days to 4 days. The numbers are going up crazy. So, it’s important to protect ourselves and those around us.

Because of this bad news, it's easy for our primary morning question that we ask ourselves is, “What’s going to go wrong today?” or “What bad things will happen today?” It’s inevitable that you’re going to have a little bit of fear inside of you every morning. It happens. There's nothing wrong with you. I, too, get that little bit of fear. Once you feel that fear start to creep in, ask yourself these questions.

  • Am I going to focus on direction or distraction?
  • Am I going to focus on what I can control or what I can’t control?
  • Am I going to feed the fear or am I going to be part of the solution?

Remind yourself that YOU HAVE A CHOICE! When you start going down the path of fear, you constrict. You contract. You get smaller and you shut down. You go into wait mode.  You go into victim mode. You know, that ole “Wait and see what happens” mode. Nothing good ever “Just happens.” Anything good that's ever happened in your life, you had a part in. So, everything we do comes with a choice. Every day starts with a choice.

  • Am I going to feed the fear or am I going to grow the calm?
  • Am I going to be part of the solution?
  • Am I doing everything I possibly can to be safe for my team?

As business owners, we must protect and serve our customers. Don’t we? If you are 100% focused on that and you have great communication and high energy and positive focus, you're going to make a difference in your world. You're going to make a difference in their world and you're going to make a difference in your community. When you get up in the morning and feel that fear, don't feel bad. Everybody's feeling that fear. It's what we do with it that matters. Do we decide to feed that fear, or do we decide to be the cure? I don't know about you, but I choose to be the cure.

I'm going to help you get through this by doing these videos every day. If this video helped you, please, please, please share this video with other people. we can help them keep their heads above water, too. Maybe they'll go back to watch the video from Episode 6 when I talked about family and the kids and what we can do to focus better on them. Or they'll listen to Episode 8 video about Charlotte and being Super Charlotte. So please share these videos.

Let me give you a little tip, too. If you are in business for yourself, you need to get in front of people. You must be the one to calm them down. You must be focused on caring and helping right now. You’re here to help with their vehicle. You’re here to help. If someone needs food, you’re there to help. Start putting some videos together and just relax. Have some fun. This is not scripted.

To help you with your videos, I’ll share a little secret I learned a while back. When you’re recording a video, people need to feel like you're looking at them.  You have to look right at the camera, not on your computer screen. But I felt stupid looking at a camera and talking to nothing. So, my grandson gave me a little figurine of the Hulk. He's a little squishy thing. Hulk sits on top of my camera, literally. Now, I look at Hulk when I talk to you. That's a little trick to do videos and keep your eye on the camera.

I want you guys and gals to go out there and go make a difference today. Decide to be the cure. Decide to feed the calm. Decide to be the bright light. Do that every morning. It's not one decision that you make. It's a decision you make every day. Make that decision every day and be the difference the world needs right now.

God bless. See you tomorrow.

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