Embrace the Suck And Keep Moving

There are going to be times in your life when things suck. They can suck for different reasons, but know that they will suck. It’s what you do when things suck that determine how far you get in life. The secret is to embrace the suck and keep moving.

Let’s talk about the two areas where the suck comes from. The first area is circumstances and other people. You lose a customer. Your spouse leaves you. Your child gets sick. You lose a parent. Each of these things sucks, and you have a choice to either sit there and stare at the suck, or you keep moving. If you lose a customer or your spouse leaves you, the first thing to do is not blame the circumstance. Instead, take the time to see what you could have done to prevent the occurrence from happening and fix it. Customers and spouses don’t just decide to leave one day. There’s been a number of disappointments that culminated in them leaving. If you learn the lessons buried within the suck, you’ll be a better person on the other side.

If you lose a customer or your spouse leaves you, the first thing to do is not blame the circumstance. Instead, take the time to see what you could have done to prevent the occurrence from happening and fix it. Customers and spouses don’t just decide to leave one day. There’s been a number of disappointments that culminated in them leaving. If you learn the lessons buried within the suck, you’ll be a better person on the other side.

If you lose a loved one, take the time to grieve because it’s normal. Then decide to focus on the good they brought into your life instead of the loss you’re suffering now. Look for the bright side of things. It’ll take some work, but I promise you’ll find something to be grateful for every time.

The second time you deal with suck is when you push yourself out of your comfort zone and do something new. You’ll never be perfect the first time you do something. I know you know that on some level, but still, you expect perfection. The truth is you’re going to suck at it when you start. Embrace it and keep moving; you’ll get better with repetition. This doesn’t mean it’s okay to blow off practicing and honing your craft; it means you need to give yourself a pass and realize that every great person that you can think of was a rookie at some point.

The secret to showing the world how AMAZING you are is to embrace the suck, learn the lesson, and keep moving!

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