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Honesty Really is the Best Policy

The steps to success are really very simple. You need to know where you’re going, you have to know where you are, and you need to know how you’re going to get there. While some people get hung up on not being sure of where they want to go, that isn’t the major stumbling block. The issue most people have is their level of honesty they have with themselves regarding their current condition.

Let’s say you’re going on a trip to California (you know where you’re going), you tell yourself you’re in Michigan (where you are), and you come up with a map route that will get you there. Everything’s good, right? Wrong! Because you’re not really in Michigan, you’re in Massachusetts. Can you see how all your dreaming and planning are wasted because you’re not where you think you are?

What I’m talking about is called bias and each of us has this to some degree. Bias is a self-serving prejudice; it’s seeing yourself as more than (and sometimes less than) you really are. This is how you see yourself and it can be very difficult to punch through a strong bias. If you’re looking for some extreme examples of bias, click here or click here.

In order for you to really improve you’ve got to be able to, with complete honesty, be able to self-assess your current situation. You don’t want to paint it better than it is or make it out to be worse than it really is. Once you’re able to identify both your true strengths and weaknesses, some amazing things can happen in your life. Taking the time to accurately determine what your current situation is will show the world just how AMAZING you are!

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