Successful Auto Repair Shop Owners Are Exceptional


Successful Shop Owners Are Exceptional

by Rick White, President 180BIZ                                                      (Estimated Read Time 5 minutes)

Today, I want to talk about is being exceptional. Isn't that something we all want? But what does exceptional really mean? It means being superior or extraordinary. But that's not where I started my thought process. When you break that word down, it's being an exception. I looked that word up and you know what I found? Being an exception means being irregular or not conforming. So wait a minute. When we're an exception or an outlier it feels like it's wrong or bad, or it's lonely.

Becoming exceptional means not being average, not coasting, not playing small.

Sometimes for you to become exceptional, it means not being average, not coasting, not playing small. It means showing up every single day authentically and playing all out. You stop trying to be someone else. You stop thinking you're not enough. You stop thinking you're not good enough. Each and every one of us is meant to be exceptional, to stand out, and be ourselves in a loving, caring way. You will be amazed at what happens when you do. Are you going to turn some people off? Yes, and that's okay. That is their issue, not yours. You don't have to be something to everybody. Just be something really special to someone.

I've been living the last 10, 15, 20 years just being me. Before that, I had some issues. I didn't feel like I was good enough. I felt like everyone was better than me. I felt like I had to be the same. I didn't want to stand out. But the only way you can be outstanding is if you stand out. You need to be authentic.

Stop measuring our effectiveness based on just the results; look at the effort.

When you're at the end of the day in a quiet place in the car, before you go home, know that you did your best. Even if you didn't get the results you wanted, know that you showed up and did your best. That's all you can do. We must stop measuring our effectiveness based on just the results. Look at the effort. The effort is something I can do. It's something I can control. But the results are a byproduct of the effort and I don't have any control over that.

Results are a byproduct of the effort.

What I want you to do instead is ask, how did I show up as myself today? Did I do better today than I did yesterday? And then review the day. What can you celebrate today? What went amazing today? Sometimes restraint is amazing. But what did you do that you can celebrate today? What did your team do that you can celebrate today?  That's the first question. Always start with that one first. Look for the wins.

The second question to ask yourself is, what did I learn? What did we learn today? That's code for what could we have done better. What could I have done better? Ask these two questions at the end of the day. What can I celebrate today? What did I learn today? Then ask yourself, what am I going to do better tomorrow? And put a little plan together. And then the last question is, what do I need? What resources do I need to be successful?

Exceptional people aren’t human beings, they’re human becomings.

Be aware of this. Exceptional people aren't human beings. They're human becomings. Who are you becoming? Every single day we're becoming something. We're either becoming the best version of ourselves or we're becoming something a lot less because we're allowing situations, circumstances, events, and other people to stop us from becoming exceptional.

Each and every one of you has a bright star inside, a bright light, something that the world needs, and it's never ever going to happen by being inside the pack. You can't conform. You must be exceptional. You must be willing to do your thing because you know it matters.

It’s all about being authentic and running your own race.

It's all about being authentic and running our own race. One of Michael Phelps' Gold Medals, he shouldn't have gotten it. He was doing the team relay and the swimmer from Germany was winning. And at the very last second, the swimmer turned to see where Michael Phelps was, and that slowed him down enough for Michael Phelps to win by something like 100000th of a second. It's because he was watching someone else's race.

That is the mistake we make in life. We think we're racing against everyone else. We're not. Our race is to become a better version of ourselves every single day, to get up every day and say, I'm going to do my best. And if you focus on where you're going, your best is going to become better and better every day.

Please share this video.  We have our Shop Owner’s Round Table, on the second Thursday of every month, 7 p.m. Eastern, and we would love you and your friends to drop by. Shop owners only. And then we have our upcoming Pocket Business Genius webinar on the second Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern time. 

God bless. stay safe, have some fun, and go make some money.  Take care.

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