Auto Repair Shop Owners: What are Your Three Truths?
Three Truths by Rick White, President 180BIZ
My wife Brenda is involved with a number of different groups on social media and in one of the groups there was a challenge to share “three truths”. They wanted basic core truths that each person lives by. This morning I thought I’d share my basic truths and I’d love to hear yours.
- I’m here to help others. I know I’m not telling you anything new here but life is tough at times. At some point, each of us is going to stumble and fall. I believe that I’m here to help others through this crazy ride and get to the other side.
- I’m here to make a difference. I believe that there’s something big I’m supposed to do, to make a difference, to leave the world better off than I found it. I also know the ONLY thing stopping me from achieving this is my fear and insecurities. Too many go to their graves with their dreams and music still in them and I refuse to join their ranks.
- I’m supposed to become the best version of myself. I believe that while I’m on this earth it’s my responsibility to be the best I can be. To me, that means a lifetime of learning and growing intellectually, physically, and spiritually.
So here are my three truths. I believe these form the core of my being. If I could add one more truth to my list it would be that I believe that people are good. Yes, they make mistakes and can hurt, but I expect the best from everyone I meet. So what are your truths? I’d love to know!
Take care and God bless.
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