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To Create or Cancel

For the first time since I started writing this blog, for the first time yesterday I realized there are two buttons at the top of the Add New Post window in the software I use to write this blog from my iPad, a Create button, and a Cancel button. I’ve used the Create button numerous times but just noticed the Cancel button yesterday. Every week I’ve made a choice to click on the Create button and share my thoughts and outlook with you. And then it struck me that this is how life is too.

Every day you get up you make a choice. You choose whether to click create and make your day or you click cancel and let your day be made for you. And as you combine these days, you end up with your life. Whether that life is a great life or a mediocre one is completely up to you. It’s your choice. You either drive ahead or drift around.

You’ve been given a gift that is unique to you that is meant to bless this world and make it a better place. You’ll never see your potential or the good that you can do if you click cancel. You have to consciously create your day and be brave enough to put yourself out there. This isn’t a test drive; you only go this way one time. You get to decide whether you come to the end of your life looking back with a smile, filled with satisfaction, knowing you’ve done all you were supposed to do. Or you end up bitter and filled with regret knowing that all your dreams and the accomplishments that you were capable of are going to die within you.

Don’t tiptoe to death! Get up and live LOUD! Decide to thrive instead of survive. Be yourself and be proud. Push yourself to learn and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Help others. Care deeply. Love even deeper. Don’t let the thoughts and judgments of others keep you down. Show the world just how AMAZING you are!

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