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The second Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern, I host a free online Shop Owner Round Table The next one is coming right up!

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What Are You Doing to Grow?

What are you doing each day? I think this is a great question that every manager, leader, and owner needs to ask themselves many times throughout their day. Why? Because it’s so easy to fall into the trap of getting the work of the day completed that you get stuck in doing it mode. Doing it is a focus on what’s happening right now, getting the work out, making it to the end of the day. This is a trap because doing business doesn’t grow business.

Are your sales down? Is your schedule full? What are you doing to prospect for new business? Not comfortable prospecting? What about marketing your business? How are you differentiating what you do from others? How about finding great help? Feel like they aren’t out there? The standard response to each of these issues is the same; you complain about customers not buying, being slow, being the same as everyone else, and about the lack of quality help. The problem isn’t any of these; the problem is you.

These aren’t burdens of business that you have to deal with. Each of the issues I’ve brought up are all learnable skills that you can master to improve your business. It’s the only way you can grow. Owning, leading, or managing a successful business isn’t about what you do every day as much as it has to do with what you improve every day. I know you may be shorthanded or are worrying about making payroll, but doing what you’ve been doing isn’t going to help the situation. Identify the shortcoming in your business, resolve to become an expert in that area, and you’ll show the world just how AMAZING you are!

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