Just ONE Thing
3 Battles That Hold Back Auto Repair Shop Owners (And How to Break Free)
Episode 194
with Rick White, 180BIZ
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. My name is Rick White from 180BIZ, and this is my Just ONE Thing. We're a coaching and management training company that serves the independent automotive and truck repair industry. So let's get started.
What we're going to talk about today are BATTLES. And I think this is super important. I saw this quote that said, “the battles you can't win drain your energy.” And I thought about that — battles that you can't win — they drain your energy. And I thought, how many of us are fighting battles that we can't win and don't know any better? We're not aware of it, and that's what's killing you. It drains your energy because you're fighting these things all the time.
So I want you to understand that battles tend to take place in three places. So let's talk about each one of these and then I want to give you some ideas on how to deal with them.
So the first one we're going to talk about is the situations and circumstances going on around you. So the reality is you can't change that. You can fight it as much as you want, but typically, when you're fighting it, it's when you're fighting situation, circumstances and events. This is when you start to feel like a victim because you can't affect change when you're fighting situation, circumstances and events that are outside of your control. You're going to feel like a victim because you're shaking your fish, you're frustrated, but there's nothing you can do about it. So instead of fighting them, what you've got to do is adapt. You got to be able to accept and then adapt. So that's the first thing.
Second is other people making others, getting other people to do things. And the reality that I want you to get through, that thought I want you to get, the awareness I want you to grab today, is you can't make other people do things. It's not possible. You gotta understand that everything you do with another person is simply an invitation and they get a vote. They get to decide whether they play or not, and you've got to give them that room to do that. You got to give them the space to do that. That's what's got to happen because if you don't, and you're pushing and pushing and pushing, guess what they're going to do? They're going to push back. This is just fact. You got to understand that. You got to ask people to play the game with you. You got to ask people to do what you're asking. You know what you want them to do, but you gotta give them the room to say no, and you don't want them to, but you gotta give them the room to. So that's the second place you're fighting.
Third place you're fighting is yourself. You're fighting the need or the desire to be everything to everybody. You don't want to say no. I don't like no either. I like not now, right? So I don't want to say no to an opportunity, but I gotta reckon, I gotta recognize the capacity that I have and be able to say, “hey, you know, I'm not gonna be able to do that today,” or “I could do it tomorrow for you. Would that work?” But again, that's another invitation. So what I want you to understand is I want you to ask yourself when you're coming into a situation where it feels like it's a fight.
I'm going to give you three questions to ask yourself, and then I want you to share this video, because I'm telling you. People need to hear this, please. Let's get this word out. The first thing I want you to ask yourself is, “what do I have 100% control of? What can I control?” Now the reality is, the only things you can control are inside your skin. You can control your mindset, you can control your outlook, you can control your effort, you can control your actions, you can control your reactions, you can control your intention, your focus, your expectations. These are all things that you can control. Now the second question is, “what can I influence?” Now here's what's really cool about this. You're going to realize that by controlling yourself better, you're actually able to have more influence with somebody else.You're able to influence. Now, what can I influence? And the truth is here. It's a lot more than you think, but you gotta step back and be smart about this. You gotta think it through. But then the third question is, “what do I have no control over,” and what you're going to find is it's very little, right? It's very little that you have absolutely no control over or influence because that's just not true. Well, Rick car counts’ dying, great! What are you going to do? What's your effort going to be? What's your mindset? What is your expectation with this? If you're just looking at the drain, that's where you're going to go. Wherever your focus goes, your feet follow you. So I want you to remember that if you're in the toilet, there's two holes. There's the drain, but if you look up, there's a bigger one, and it's brighter, and it smells better, and everything else you want to be — going for the one up top, it's harder to get there. But I'll tell you what — it's worth it.
So what I want you to be able to do is ask yourself — What can I control? What can I influence? and What do I have no control over? And I want you to go through that and then recognize what your space is. So if I recognize I've got to talk to somebody real quick. I can just talk to them about how much we enjoy having them here, and all the benefits they get have in here. And here's some things that we need to change, and here's why. Can you understand that? And we talked about ISSUES last week, so that you can actually go back and listen to that and and see the five step process for that. But this is super important, so I'm going to ask you to share this. Okay, what can I control? What can I influence? What do I have no control over or no influence over? So I want you to think through that.
Shop Owners Round Table, 2nd Thursday every month, 7pm Eastern.
Also our PBG — Pocket Business Genius Webinar Series — if you'd love to be in there, we would love to have you 2nd Thursday, 1pm Eastern, and you get 80-85 webinars in the recordings as well. There's a real treasure trove in there. It's like having me in your back pocket.
So everybody, I want to say, God bless. I want you to have fun this week and go make some money. I'll talk to y'all later. Bye, bye, bye.