Rick’s Inner Circle
The Group Coaching Program Designed To Help You Create The Shop You’ve Dreamed Of—Without Spending All Your Time At The Shop
Important question for independent auto repair shop owners who still don’t have the profitable shop they set out to build years ago…
What is the biggest difference between a highly profitable shop…
...and one that runs on overwhelm and debt?
If you guessed the amount of time spent working in the industry, you’d be wrong.
If you guessed having the best prices in your area, you’d be wrong.
If you guessed hiring the right employees, the number of hours you spend in the shop, or the number of ads you run to get more people into the shop…
...you’d still be wrong.
Cause while those all have their place
They’re only a piece of the puzzle.
And unless you’ve fabricated a way for your shop to truly run independent of your presence with a firm grasp on your numbers and unprecedented-level of connection as a team AND with your customers...
The profit and freedom that you’re working overtime to reach will (at best) come at the cost of your stress levels
And at worst lead to bankruptcy, divorce, and a serious drinking problem.
“I’m making ends meet, but it still doesn’t look like I’m making any money.”
You’re doing everything you know how to do.
Working nights and weekends to make sure vehicles are completed on time and all your paperwork is up to date.
Foregoing slow Saturday mornings and dinners with the family for a sub sandwich and a night alone in the shop.
You’re gone so much that your spouse jokes that you’re more committed to your shop than you are to your marriage.
Yet, for all the time and energy you spend looking at your car to sales ratio, training your service advisor, hiring new mechanics, and smoothing things over with customers
You can’t for the life of you figure out why you’re not making enough money to pay the stack of bills you owe to parts suppliers and the tax man.
You don’t know what you don’t know. And you’re killing yourself trying to figure it out.
You’ve tried to discover what you’re missing.
Taken a few really great training sessions. Tried your best to implement the things you learned in your shop.
But eventually those things fall to the wayside because there’s a new fire to put out.
You’re *this* close to just shutting down your shop and going back to work in another garage. You’ve even done the math and realized that you could make more money working for someone else than you do right now.
And you’d get weekends off, too.
But auto repair is practically in your blood.
Your dream of owning a shop that is a pillar in the community and provides the freedom you crave for your family hasn’t left.
It still feels so close, but so far from what you know you can do right now.
You’re getting further behind no matter how hard you push forward.
“It may be time to call it quits.”
You’re afraid to admit this to yourself. Even as you’re leaning back in your chair with your hands pressing against your eyes and forehead you KNOW you’re in trouble.
You just don’t see a way out.
With all the spinning wheels and hard work you’re putting in—isn’t it time your numbers and free-time went up?
You’ve put in a sh*t ton of time, labor, and energy into your shop. You deserve to see a pay out.
You deserve a system that tallies your monthly profit, shows you the opportunities to make more money, and then gives you a paycheck you can use for more than your living expenses.
You deserve a shop that allows you to take days (or weeks!) off. A front counter that goes above and beyond for customers who are happy to pay for the recommended services. Technicians who easily communicate with other members of your shop.
You deserve to feel supported by a community of shop owners that care about you. Who you can turn to when you need help. A support system that not only builds you up as a business owner, but benefits every corner of your shop.
You’ll see how this can happen in a moment.
First, here are a few things to mull around in your head.
3 Reasons You’re *Still* Lost in Your Business
(And how to escape it ASAP)
#1: You’re trying to apply cookie-cutter strategies to a one-of-a-kind shop
You’ve tried all the strategies you’ve heard work to up the sales in your shop.
You’ve taken the advice of those coaches and old shop owners that everyone recommends.
And have taken days off to attend those in-person conferences where industry leaders teach and you can ask questions.
No matter how many questions you ask, though, there’s not enough time to really get to the root of the problem in YOUR shop.
Despite the money, time, and energy spent working to implement these trainings, nothing is changing. In fact, it’s getting worse.
It’s money down the drain.
Not because the information is bad, it really works for others!
But because it’s just items on a list to check off, not the clear, actionable strategies that give you the party-level numbers you’ve been working so hard to reach in your shop.
What you need:
Actionable strategies tailored to your specific needs and processes, allowing you to finally track your profit as it climbs, and giving you the time to fully step back and work on your business rather than churning the wheel inside your business.
#2: You’re Paralyzed With Overwhelm
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
You start the week with a list of things you’re going to cross off
But halfway through the first thing, someone needs your input at the front counter and then the phone rings and you’re the only one who can answer it…
...then there are parts that need ordering
…windows that need cleaning
...customers that need attending
Before you know it, it’s 7:30pm and you’re still trying to finish up the first thing on your list.
You’re constantly being pulled in one direction or another and while you think great on your feet, you lack the confidence needed to double down in one area, trusting that it will allow everything else to fall into place..
What you need:
The confidence that’s built from accomplishing your first goal, that then builds on your next goal, and all your future goals to come. Until you realize that if that’s possible, so is everything else. That you have the ability to focus on what you can do, and get it done.
#3: You’re Focused On Doing It Yourself
Relying on your own knowledge and strength has gotten you this far.
It’s helped you open a shop, grow it to where it is today, and employ several team members.
But you’re tapped out.
You don’t have time to learn all you need to know PLUS do the day-to-day responsibilities that fall on you to complete as the owner. Not only that, but you don’t even know what you don’t know.
If not for anything else, you just want to know that others have been where you’re at and gotten out. That you’re not alone in this struggle.
What you need:
A place where you could bring your problems, and see that there are people who have been in the industry longer who are experiencing the same problems—leading to a group effort in raising not just your business, but those around you as well.
The Good News is...
Building A Profitable Shop That Allows For Time Off Is Easier Than You Think
If you’re reading this, then you already know that implementing the right strategies alongside a strong support group is CRITICAL to the success of your auto repair shop.
(you’ve figured this out the hard way)
But what you might not know is when you take your shop to the next level using my 3 Pillar Process that I’m about to share with you, you’ll also…
- Experience the sweet relief that comes from having a strong foundation in place to run your profit plan on autopilot while you take a much needed break
- Quickly pay down those debts that are currently piling up higher than your parts list
- Attract the kind of customers you love to work with consistently and easily
- Immediately see areas where you’re losing money and understand the steps you can take to fix them
- Establish a team of highly-motivated and customer-focused people who enjoy working for an employer who values their time and expertise
- Enjoy time away from your shop with ease, knowing that it is in good hands
- Validate your ideas and processes with other customer-focused shop owners who help you dodge issues they’ve successfully escaped in the past
- Benefit from an honest and transparent view of your shop with actionable steps to take it to the next level
- Prove that spending less time turning wrenches and more time running your business as the CEO can dramatically increase your ROI
- Confidently set and reach the goals you’ve set for yourself (as well as ones you have yet to set), such as: opening another location, adding another bay to your garage, taking a month off to enjoy time with your family, breaking through a revenue goal, and paying yourself the paycheck you deserve
YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you and your shop (whether you’re a few years into it, or have owned several shops over the years)
But they do depend on you taking a proven, customer-centric approach
One that not only utilizes the most up-to-date strategies and systems, but equips you with the tools you need to avoid the pitfalls of the projections to come.
One that gives you advice tailored to your current situation, available via app, and accessible day or night
One that provides you with access to top shops and shop owners from around the country as a support group you can talk with, any time
Sound like just the thing for you? Then I’d like to formally invite you to join my exclusive, intimate group coaching program...
Rick’s Inner Circle
The Group Coaching Program Designed To Help You Create The Shop You’ve Dreamed Of—Without Spending All Your Time At The Shop
When you grab your spot and join Rick's Inner Circle, you'll have access to...
- Monthly live webinar trainings on hot topics you are facing right now
- Monthly meetings with a community of like-minded individuals who will all give advice and actions for you to try for your specific needs and problems
- A library of almost 50 recorded webinars (and counting!) and trainings to get you the help you need, when you need it
- Access to a private community where you can celebrate and group think with shop owners like you who've been there
- Office Hour meetings where you can meet live with Rick and he'll help you through personal shop problems (as well as life problems!)
- Access to our mobile app where you can access all of the recorded videos and walkthroughs
- Entry to (2) live events every year where you get to meet your community, attend live training sessions, and have a blast with other shop owners who "get it"
Hurry! Spots are limited!
Meet The Coach Behind Rick’s Inner Circle
Hi! Rick White, here.
And when I’m not walking my dog, Lucky, and road tripping along the east coast to visit my grandkids with my amazing wife and business partner, Brenda, I’m co-running 180BIZ — our coaching business designed to get independent auto repair shop owners out of the shop and back into their lives.
We’ve worked with thousands of shop owners and helped them create the shops they’ve always wanted so they can spend more time living their life.
I’m proud to say that my coaching style is NOT:
Profit-over-people techniques
Filled with shady or pushy sales tactics
Offering cookie-cutter solutions for complex situations
I am a business turnaround and shop growth expert who helps auto and truck repair shop owners go from struggling to stay open to being the go-to shop in their market by working smarter, not harder.
And, if you’ll allow me, here’s where I plan on helping you take your shop...

“When we first met Rick, we thought we were doing all the things to get ahead and we were getting further behind.
We’d spent thousands of dollars with other coaching companies before, and they weren’t doing anything to help us. We were overwhelmed and losing money, and they eventually sued us because we weren’t making any money at all, let alone enough to pay them.
I swore I would never work with a coach again.
Until I met Rick.
The more I talked to him, the more comfortable I got with him. He told us about his 30-day guarantee, and we jumped on board.
It’s been great ever since.
Rick’s approach is very caring. He doesn’t just say, “do this”. He asks questions and tries to encourage us to figure it out ourselves.
The best thing is that we’re not in this alone. We all have the same struggles and to see how other shops deal with those is helpful. The interaction with those guys is a lot of fun, too.
Every time we do a group call, there’s something that sticks out in the conversation.
Rick’s personal involvement in the program has been a nice surprise for sure. Especially after the experiences I’ve had with the previous companies we’ve worked with. It’s just nice to see. What you see is what you get—there’s no front.”
Keith Dome, Owner Central Auto Repair and Electric

“As a young shop owner, I was more in it to learn everything I could and be the best leader I could be for the team. I didn’t know what the best approach was, but I knew we could do better. We were busy. We had tons of work, but we were spinning our wheels. We just weren’t seeing the profits we thought we should have. What stood out to me about Rick was he was previously a shop owner himself. He’d been through some of the same challenges and curveballs that I have. It was a big investment. But I was willing to invest and expect some return. And we have definitely seen huge returns from it. It was a very wise investment. Rick’s Inner Circle really stands out to me because of the community. We’re all kind of like family now. When you have a challenge you throw it out there and you can get the perspective of a dozen other shop owners in a couple of minutes. The group calls bring a lot of clarity really quickly when you have a lot of different perspectives from a group like that. I really like that part. Rick has shown me areas that require my attention. Areas I need to keep an eye on. And how to identify other things that are looking for my attention that don’t really matter. He helps me spend time on things that do matter. The things that move the needle to help us gain ground. The biggest thing I’ve learned from working with Rick is that I can’t be working in the business. I need to be working on it—providing vision, focus, and direction. Not just standing around barking orders, but to be a true leader and a role model for my employees.” Tristan Ramer, Owner, Locke Performance |

“When I found Rick, I had made the decision to close the doors. I was the shop owner who was doing everything by myself—I was the service advisor. I was the technician. I was doing everything. We were doing about $15,000 to $20,000 a month on a good span.
It was so stressful that there was no way it was worthwhile. I figured I could go get a job and make as much as I was taking home with this job. So, I made my decision to quit. I planned on being a technician, so I decided to go train so I could go out and get a good job. I went to an event called ASTE, and attended one of Rick’s classes.
Sitting in his class, I quickly realized I was trying to reinvent the wheel. For so long, I’d been trying to make this work my own way, but what I was doing wasn’t working. I needed to do something different.
Rick had a formula that worked. It was a no-brainer. It didn’t take a lot of work or verifying what he was saying. You could just listen to him and understand that he not only had the confidence in what he was saying, but he also had the data to back it up.
Initially, it was a big pill to swallow. It’s expensive. But my wife said to me, ‘Listen. As long as you will actually listen to him, I will support this idea.’ So we hired Rick. And in the last 4 years, we’ve gone from where we were—doing $14,000-$20,000 a month, to doing $110,000-$120,000 a month. My stress level has just basically vanished. I’ve got better problems than what I initially had.
Rick had a 30,000-foot view of my business. He was able to see things I couldn’t see, and able to hear things I was saying that I was just saying because I thought it was what people wanted to hear. As a shop owner, it’s easy to look at it and say, ‘Gosh, bringing someone in and hiring someone to show me how to do this is almost like saying I’m not good enough.’ But you find out that’s not the case. You realize they have that perspective and level of experience that is something completely different to what you’ve experienced in the past.
It’s not that they know more than you. It’s not that you don’t know what you’re doing. It gives you a perspective that you desperately need because they can see what you can’t.”
Lucas Underwood, President
L&N Performance and Auto Repair

“I opened a shop in September 2015, but was working another job as well. I was working 40 hours a week at my day job, and spending 40-50 hours every week at the shop as well.
I wanted to work one job so I could spend more time with my kids and my family.
We had seen tremendous growth the first two years, and I was really concerned that it was going to run away from me. I really didn’t know what I was doing.
From the initial conversation with Rick, it was really about figuring out what my needs were and what the business was going to need. He didn’t prescribe reading and say, ‘If that doesn’t work, call me back.’
When I went from not having a coach to looking at what it cost monthly to be involved, I was a little concerned. But he laid out some quick numbers and I quickly saw that the number becomes pennies at the end of the month.
I absolutely love the time and level of commitment that Rick puts into everything. I wasn’t sure how somebody can invest that much time into a group, and he’s done a really good job with that.
He helped me think differently. I got into a full mindset change and it’s been so powerful in helping me view things differently. I look back on my relationship with myself and my wife, my relationship with my children. My parents. The work with Rick has had an impact on it all. It’s pretty special because it’s not just related to the repair shop.
The first year we worked with Rick, we saw a $433,000 increase in gross sales.
I’m now two years in, and am currently in the process of buying a $4 million building. That’s been my dream, and Rick’s made it very realistic.”
Erick Bock, Owner,
Bock’s Auto
Introducing Rick's Inner Circle
The coaching program for independent auto repair shop owners BY an independent auto repair shop owner with more than 20 years of experience—designed to help you build the shop you’ve always wanted, without taking all your time.
I’ve coached, trained, and taught thousands of your fellow shop owners.
- Shop owners who are still waiting to pay themselves a paycheck, no matter how many vehicles they have in their shop, late nights they spend pouring over the books, and number of times they rob Peter to pay Paul.
- Shop owners who are killing themselves with hard work, and still owe a mountain of debt to the tax man.
- Shop owners who understand that if they want even a prayer of taking a week-long vacation without the profit in their shop plummeting, they’ve got to hire outside help and are excited to start seeing their hard work pay off in the long run.
The Result:
A simple, customer-centered approach that brings more money into your shop without running yourself to the bone, gives you time off without fear of the shop bursting into flames while you’re gone, and more time with the people you love. All with 3 easy-to-access pillars.
The Coaching You Need In Your Journey To The Top
We’ll tackle your profit, first.
Looking for areas that you can hone in on for nearly immediate results. And establishing the concrete business foundation that guarantees a clear path forward.
Each month, you’ll have access to two group coaching sessions where you’ll take part in training that you will be able to implement immediately. You’ll ask questions, troubleshoot problems in your shop, and provide valuable feedback for other members in your group.
I teach from experience and I have over 20 years of it. Through me, you’ll get a 30,000 foot view of your business and be able to identify and change things that you’ve been programmed to believe about running your shop that are just plain bogging you down..
Everything from managing your team, to increasing your prices, and dealing with situational issues (like the virus)—you’ll hear it here first, and you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to tackle it.
Here’s what’s included:
- Monthly Group Coaching Calls that will take you from being “that shop” to being “The Shop” that other shop owners want to be. These take place after business hours so you can close up that night knowing you have a plan of action for the month ahead. We have live webinars on the third Wednesday of each month and two-hour mastermind calls on the first and third Tuesdays.
- Office Hours for the times you really need to hone in and tackle some specific issues in your shop. You can “drop in” and use this time to get my eyes directly on your shop. These run for an hour, six times per month.
- A Week-long, Hands-on Management “Sprint.” You’ll attend a zoom call every day for one-hour (12pm - 1pm EST). During the sprint, we walk you through implementing new techniques in your shop. Like, creating 1) a technician pay plan, 2) an advisor compensation plan, and 3) an effective team communication plan.
- Bonus Pop Up Sessions where Rick takes a deeper dive to go over questions raised in office hours, or during the monthly mastermind.
Bite-Sized Learning When You Need It
You’ll have a lot of access to me.
But when you’re in the middle of a problem that needs answers now, you can just pull out your phone.
You'll have access to a library of recorded webinars where you'll learn what you don't know—like measuring your KPI's, how to manage your team, and how to change your interactions with customers to have consistent profit that you can use to finally pay your bills AND yourself, comfortably. Thereby allowing you to take time off and have more time with your family.
Here’s a sample of the webinars inside:
- Profit Shouldn't be an Accident
- Get More Out of Your Techs TODAY
- In Install or Not to Install (Customer Supplied Parts)
- How to Save A Problem Employee
- Top 10 Advisor Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
- How to Sell Testing Profitably
The Shop Family You’ve Been Waiting For
Owning a shop is a lonely journey.
And while you may be doing fine solo, you’d be amazed with how much you can grow and improve with a community of other shop owners supporting you.
You’ll gain access to shop owners all over the country who are experiencing the same heartache, struggles, and frustrations you are. You’ll have the opportunity to see that maybe you're a step ahead, or maybe you're a step behind. Either way, you’ll have the motivation and support to continue and improve.
You’ll become a part of a community of 50+ other shop owners like you who have been where you’re at and have personally experienced the wins this program has helped them achieve.
Here’s how we’ll do that:
- Exclusive Rick’s Inner Circle Community where you can ask questions, celebrate wins, and help out your community.
- Live Group Events where you’ll rub shoulders with shop owners from every Inner Circle group at live events each year. Including live group coaching, actual shop visits, management training classes, industry panel discussions, and lots and lots of networking.
You’ll Also Gain Access To These Exclusive Bonuses:
Exclusive Millionaire’s Club Access
Does your shop (or shops!) turn over more than a million dollars annually? The Millionaire’s Club offers access to an exclusive group of shop owners who, like you, want to continue to grow their business.
In addition to your Rick’s Inner Circle Membership, we meet once a month for an hour or so to go over what’s working and what’s not, in both life and business.
Own multiple shops? Watch this space. We’re launching a group just for you in the new year.
Rick’s Inner Circle: Live and in Person
It’s 2021 and we’re taking The Inner Circle on the road!
Our seminars span the entire weekend and are jam-packed with social events, networking opportunities, and educational seminars with both Rick and other industry professionals, like Bob Burg.
For 30 years Bob’s helped companies, sales leaders, and their teams to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses based on Endless Referrals.
I am so confident that if you do the work, you’ll see the results that I’m offering you...
The Return-On-Investment Guarantee
The #1 rule when digging a hole is to come get someone to dig it for you.
I’m not here to dig a hole for you.
If you’ve done the work and your gross profit hasn’t improved enough to more than cover your investment in this program within 90 days—I hope you’ll fire me.
You’re not locked into any contracts. There’s no penalty for stopping your membership before a certain point in time.
And you’ll also get a 30-day money back guarantee.
Meaning, you can put it all on a credit card and if you can’t pay it off by the end of the month—opt out of the program and get a full refund.
Because I know $1,300 is a lot of money. My goal is to make sure you don’t have to worry about the money.
What Others Have Asked Before Joining Rick’s Inner Circle:
I’m currently not even paying myself a paycheck. How can I afford the $1300 / month for this program?
This program is an investment for your business-plain and simple. And at first, it’ll be pretty hard to lay down the money.
(Especially if you’ve been burned with investments before)
So here’s the thing.
I am going to do everything I can on my end to make it easier for you to pay it by the 90 day mark. Cause you’re not locked into a contract.
The first thing we’ll do is talk about the gross profit model. The second thing we’re going to talk about is the net profit model. And I’m going to do that because my goal is to help you improve the gross profit perspective of your business within 90 days so that the coaching investment you’re going to make is more than covered by it.
Because you don’t need any more expenses.
I want you to get results like Erick who said, “Rick, it’s been a year. This is our one year anniversary. And my sales have increased $443,000 since I began working with you one year ago.”
My goal is to help you turn this $1300 / month investment into paying yourself a paycheck by 90 days.
And I’ve helped many do it before you.
I already work too much as it is- how much time will this take each week?
You can expect to spend about 4 hours per week on this program — that includes video calls and actionable items.
All of our calls are after hours so you don’t have to worry about putting out fires in your peripheral.
The rest of the time you spend during the week will be implementing the actionable advice you get during our calls. Much of it will overlap the work you are currently doing - we’ll just give you a better process.
You’ll soon have more than enough time to implement the advice, since the processes we teach you allow you to do less of the busywork you’re used to doing, and pull the levers that move the big things along.
Do I have to reach a certain milestone before I can get the most benefit from this program?
Wherever you’re at works great.
While you should be the owner of a current auto repair shop and have worked with customers and vehicles before—there’s no threshold that you need to reach before you join.
You may have been told that you shouldn’t be running a shop if you don’t know everything about running a shop.
I call BS on that.
You started this business because you know cars and trucks. You have a dream and the determination to make it happen. And the fact that you don’t know everything is actually a really great place to be.
It allows you to learn things the right way in Rick’s Inner Circle.
And if you do have a lot of experience running a shop and have a pretty good handle on what you’re doing, that’s great, too!
Upon entry to Rick’s Inner Circle, everyone will go through a program that will ensure everyone is up to speed on the basics.
We do this because we have shop owners of varying experience levels in The Inner Circle, and we want it to be just as valuable for the ones at the top as it is for the ones at the bottom.
I’ve looked into several different coaching programs before. How is Rick’s Inner Circle different?
We’ve looked into them, too! And have nothing against them.
Many of the programs out there promise to help you raise your profit.
A few mention the time you’ll save with the processes they have planned.
But none have my customer-centric approach that helps you get more sales with none of the sleeze.
I’m not going to tell you to go out and fire all of your employees and work nights and weekends.
We have your goal in mind: to be able to enjoy life with the ones you love and have a profitable shop that your customers trust.
I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a shop owner. Are you sure I can learn this?
Sales and leadership skills are LEARNABLE. And contrary to popular belief—you don’t have to know everything from the get-go.
In fact, the skills you have built up to this point may or may not help you step into your role as the shop owner you want to be.
But here’s the kicker:
No matter how inadequate or overwhelmed you are at the idea of learning all the things you need to know to be a successful owner, remember that you opened your shop for a reason.
And Rick’s Inner Circle was designed to motivate, educate, support, and inspire shop owners like you to get the shop you’ve been trying to build for years.
I work with my spouse. Would we both have access to Rick’s Inner Circle?
We coach a lot of couples!
If you work with your spouse, reach out at [EMAIL] to discuss pricing and work something out.
Can you remind me of what I’m getting when I enroll today?
When you place your deposit and join Rick's Inner Circle, you'll have access to...
- Monthly live webinar trainings on hot topics you are facing right now
- Monthly meetings with a community of like-minded individuals who will all give opinions and actions for you to try for your specific needs and problems
- A library of nearly 60 recorded webinars and trainings to get you the help you need, when you need it
- Access to a private community where you can celebrate and group think with shop owners like you who've been there
- Office Hour meetings where you can set up a call with Rick and he'll help you through personal shop problems (as well as life problems!)
- Access to our mobile app where you can access all of the recorded videos and walkthroughs
- Entry to (2) live events every year where you get to meet your community, have live training sessions, and have a blast with other shop owners who "get it"
Hurry! Spots are limited!
I Want to Grab My Spot!
“Rick’s training goes so much further than the other company that we were dealing with. A lot of companies will tell you what changes to make that will affect your bottom line, and focus primarily on that. Rick takes it further by helping you work on how you approach things and how to evaluate why you’re making those decisions. And why customers may be making the decisions they’re making.”
Jen Rindflesh, Co-Owner, Collinsville Auto
Is Rick’s Inner Circle right for you?
There are hundreds of programs available to shop owners like yourself looking to raise your profits and create the shop of your dreams. They’ll take your money if you feel the tiniest bit like the program is “right for you”.
I’m not about that.
I don’t want Rick’s Inner Circle to just be “right for you.” That’s how you get to month 3 feeling overwhelmed and even more dissatisfied with your shop than you were in the first place.
And frankly—it’s too much money to be wasting on something you don’t really need.
I want this to be a perfect fit for you.
To know that, you need to know who Rick’s Inner Circle is NOT for.
Rick’s Inner Circle is NOT for you if…
- You’re already making enough profit to open 5 more shops and take month-long vacations every year
- You absolutely CANNOT carve out a few hours each week to learn and implement actionable strategies you need to increase sales from your front counter, manage your team of employees, or pay yourself a regular salary.
- You would rather be working late nights as a mechanic—barely making $48,000/year and taking days off only when you’re too sick to get out of bed
If you don’t fall into any of these categories and are ready to take the 30-day money-back-guarantee to prove that Rick’s Inner Circle will make you money, then it *might* be perfect for you.
Mark 5 of the 7 boxes below to see if YOU qualify.
Rick’s Inner Circle is perfect for you if...
- You recently traded working in the shop to owning your own shop, and don’t know what you don’t know
- You’ve had your shop for a bit, but can’t seem to get ahead financially and are ready to figure out a profitable system once and for all
- You’re a hard worker and quick learner who is willing to take advice from trusted experts and implement it quickly
- You already spend 4+ hrs every week trying to level up your shop
- You’re excited at the idea of running a profitable shop where you can take time off knowing your customers are being treated like family by your employees
- You know that when you put in the work, the payment of this program won’t even be on your mind 90 days from now because you’ll be making more than enough extra money to cover it
- You’re ready to try out the Guarantee, knowing if it’s not the right fit within 30 days of purchase, you can get all your money back AND you’re not locked into a monthly contract, ever
Now, tally up your score—how many boxes did you check?
Marked them all? Then come on in! You’re a perfect fit for The Inner Circle.
By now, you already know that the biggest difference between a highly profitable shop and one that is run by overwhelm and debt (with the terrible side-effect of burnout) all comes down to...
Your Ability To Identify & Act On Strategies That Move The Needle…
...Compounded By Your Access To A Coach and Support Group That Gets It
Still here? Let’s wrap this up with some more of that honesty I’m known for:
If you’re a shop owner who has the primary responsibility of supporting and growing your business—you need Rick’s Inner Circle.
If you plan on taking your shop to the next level in 2022—you need Rick’s Inner Circle.
If you’re thinking about closing your shop doors due to overwhelm, burnout, and piles of debt—you need Rick’s Inner Circle.
If you’ve worked more than 50 hours in your shop in the last week—you need Rick’s Inner Circle.
If you are missing out on birthdays, family parties, friend events, and haven’t taken a true vacation in the last year—you need Rick’s Inner circle.
If you’ve still got your sights set on that profitable shop you set out to build years ago and still have yet to make it there—you need Rick’s Inner Circle.
If you’re ready, I look forward to partnering with you to make this your most profitable (and enjoyable) year yet.
75+% Of Auto Repair Shop Owners Reading This Will Think It Through, Mention It To Their Spouse, And Then Say They’ll Be Ready In Six Months
Here’s how the next six months will continue for them…
- They’ll be six months deeper putting fires out all day long
Cost: 5-figures per month
- Instead of getting better with the confidence needed to reach their goals and the satisfaction of actually achieving them, they’ll get bitter and it’ll project onto their team, customers, and business
Cost: Multiple 6-figures per year
- And they still won’t be ready, because they feel like they have to get to a certain point before they start the coaching.
Cost: Your shop’s profitability, sustained growth, and the time you’ll never get back with your loved ones
With 30-Risk-Free Days to Test Drive The Program...Wouldn’t You Rather See What It’s Like To Make Lasting, Time-Saving-Profit-Building Changes?
Isn’t it time you worked on your business, instead of in it?
You’ve accomplished some pretty amazing things that have led you to where you are now.
But you’re also smart enough to know that what got you here, won’t get you “there”.
This is your invitation to join a the only coaching program that will help you:
- Experience the sweet relief that comes from having a strong foundation in place to place your profit plan on autopilot while you take a much needed break
- Quickly pay down those debts that are currently piling up higher than your parts list
- Attract the kind of customers you love to work with consistently and easily
- Immediately see areas where you’re losing money and understand the steps to take to fix them
- Establish a team of highly-motivated and customer-focused people who enjoy working for an employer who values their time and expertise
- Enjoy time away from your shop with ease, knowing that it is in good hands
- Validate your ideas and processes with other customer-focused shop owners who help you dodge issues they’ve successfully escaped in the past
- Benefit from an honest and transparent view of your shop with actionable steps to take it to the next level
- Prove that spending less time turning wrenches and more time running your business as the CEO has dramatically increased your ROI
- Confidently set and reach the goals you’ve set for yourself (as well as ones you have yet to set), such as: opening another location, adding another bay to your garage, taking a month off to enjoy time with your family, breaking through a revenue goal, and paying yourself the paycheck you deserve
Take The 90-Day Return-On-Investment Challenge
Once in Rick’s Inner Circle, you’ll quickly become acquainted with the People Over Profit Method that will help you permanently quit those months without a paycheck, and instead allow you access to a world filled with hope.
One that’s:
- More profitable
- Easier to enact
- And falls completely in line with your existing skills of making sh*t happen
Unlike other coaching programs, I don’t want you to wait 4-6 months before *possibly* seeing a result.
Grab your spot now, and take action on the specific strategies prescribed within the 90 days.
If you don’t have the entire program paid for on repeat each month after that, just let us know and you’ll be out with no harm—with a few more strategies to get yourself to that next level of yours.