What if you could spend an hour each month getting personalized advice from a leading shop expert?

Get advice tailored to your specific situation from a leading industry expert (yup that's me!) and a community of shop owners like you. 

For free.

Now you can.  

The second Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern, I host a free online Shop Owner Round Table The next one is coming right up!

Reserve my spot!

Where does abundance come from? Are some people just lucky and have it fall into their laps? Or...

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The Power of Being Authentic

The last thing this world needs is another polished, perfect, and professional salesperson. You...

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How Are You Acting?

As you go through your day, are you aware of how you’re acting? No, I’m not talking...

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Groove or Rut

When you’re in the groove everything just seems to be going right. You feel great and...

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The Power of Perspective

Your life is the way it is because of one very simple thing. The meaning you give to what happens...

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Become a Magnet

Have you ever been around someone that made you feel like the most important person in the whole...

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What Are You Doing to Grow?

What are you doing each day? I think this is a great question that every manager, leader, and...

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The Power of Thoughts

Occasionally I’m asked why I write about the subjects I do on this blog. “Rick,...

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Imagination: Blessing or Curse?

Your imagination is such a gift. Besides your thumbs, it’s what separates you from every...

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Honesty Really is the Best Policy

The steps to success are really very simple. You need to know where you’re going, you have...

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To Create or Cancel

For the first time since I started writing this blog, for the first time yesterday I realized...

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Where Did Your Inner Rock Star Go?

Remember when you were younger and thought you could do anything you wanted? You know what...

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