What if you could spend an hour each month getting personalized advice from a leading shop expert?

Get advice tailored to your specific situation from a leading industry expert (yup that's me!) and a community of shop owners like you. 

For free.

Now you can.  

The second Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern, I host a free online Shop Owner Round Table The next one is coming right up!

Reserve my spot!
Learning Your Lessons

You want more from your life and that is fantastic! You’ll never feel more alive and...

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Blame Is

Blame is such an insidious word that has destroyed more dreams and relationships than I could...

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Feeling Frustrated? Do This!

If you’re starting your day feeling frustrated, nervous, or fearful, you’re not...

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The Power of Can't

I hate the word can’t. I didn’t like it when my parents used it, when my teachers...

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Life is Easy

Who ever told you life was supposed to be easy? Or fair? And yet easy and easier are the main...

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Are You Babysitting Your Employees?

When it comes to your business, do you feel like your primary job is babysitting employees? You...

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Your Identity

Where does your identity, your sense of self, come from? If you’re like most, your identity...

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Your Focus Determines Their Success

Over this past weekend, I found out a very nice couple Brenda and I know was splitting up after...

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Feelings are amazing things; the high of love, the wonder of awe, and even the devastation of...

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Embrace the Suck And Keep Moving

There are going to be times in your life when things suck. They can suck for different reasons,...

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Engagement Isn't Just About Weddings

When you get this blog post this morning, I hope you’re taking a break from a busy day at...

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Finding Ambition

It’s funny how I hear business owners and parents wishing their employees and/or children...

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